Background image courtesy of Geoff Saunders

Joining Bolton Flat Green Bowling Club.
Are you new to the game of bowls? We have a pathway designed just for you.
Are you a Crown Green Bowler looking for a new experience or direction, or are you fed up of playing on heavy grass greens. If so why not give our fast carpet a try?
It's like full length indoor bowls but in the fresh air.
In both cases we have a taster programme, (a sort of "Try Before You Buy"), which you can access by clicking on the 'Play Bowls/Stay Active' header at the top of the page, Fill in the form and we will contact you as soon as possible.
We have several qualified coaches who will help you all the way.
Are you an experienced Club Bowler? We can integrate you into Club and County Life.
If you are already an experienced bowler and would like to simply take out Club Membership, the Membership Application can be found under the 'Join Us' header at the top of the page. The various categories of Membership are explained on the first page with the link to the Membership Application at the bottom of the page. Once you have filled in the form you will receive an acknowledgement explaining all about the Club, how to pay your Membership Fee, and the Competitions we organise.
For details of the Club's Safeguarding Policy follow the links under the 'Information" header above.
2025 Membership Renewal.
Please remember that Membership Fees for 2025 are due before 1 April 2025.
Notable 2025 Dates for your Diary
(at Bolton unless specified)
All the dates are in the Club Calendar together with the Fixed Day Competition Dates
Monday 31 March
Open Bowling Session
Swinton Indoor Bowlers.
The session will be from 10.30 to 12.30 hrs.
Sunday 13 April
Club Opening Day @ 13.00 hrs.
Wed 30 April
Lancs Ladies v Yorks Ladies @ 13.00 hrs.
Saturday 3 May
Lady Patron's Day @ HHBC 09.30 hrs.
Tuesday 6 May
Hemsley Trophy @ 18.00 hrs.
Saturday 10 May
Ivy Martin Balloted Pairs @ Southport 09.30 hrs.
Monday 25 August
Team 5 @ Southport 09.30 hrs.
Saturday 13 September
Bowls Lancashire Double Triples @ 09.30 hrs.
Saturday/Sunday 20/21 September
Club Finals Weekend
Saturday 27 September
Bolton Open
Saturday 6 December
Presentation Evening/Christmas Party @ 18.00 hrs.
Inter Club League 2025
The Inter-Club League is opening the season again this year. The relevant dates are as follows:
Friday 11 April @ BFGBC
Friday 25 April @ Southport FGBC
Friday 2 May @ HHBC
Friday 9 May @ BFGBC
Friday 23 May @ Southport FGBC
Friday 30 May @ HHBC
Winter Pairs League
Results and League tables are available on the Club Website, (follow the links from the 'Competitions' header), and also on Club Facebook Page.
Weekly Programme during the Summer Season.
Monday Afternoon.
The Monday Random Roll Up will revert to an evening session on Monday 14 April 2025. Paul Willcocks has volunteered to organise. Check in will be 17.45 hrs. for an 18.00 start.
Bolton Junior Academy (from 11.00 - 12.00 hrs).
There will be a Roll Up on Saturday afternoon when the Green is not in use for a Club/County event. Check the Club Calendar.
Sale Room.
There are several sets of bowls for sale on the Sale Room Page, follow the link above to have a look.
Pitch In with Sutton Winson
The Club’s Insurance Brokers, Sutton Winson Ltd, are inviting Club Members, (and their families), to contact them for a Home and/or Car insurance quotation when a Member’s personal Home and/or Car insurance is being considered for renewal or a first purchase, and in doing so, enable a small contribution into the Club's finances from the broker. The scheme is called ‘Pitch-In’.
For each completed quotation (obligation-free, and regardless of whether the quotation is then accepted), the Club will receive a small fee from Sutton Winson. If the quotation is accepted and a policy is purchased, the Club will receive a further fee. Click on the image below.
Member Login/Sign Up.
This Section is Reserved for Bolton Flat Green Bowling Club Members Only.
The form has been set so the Login option appears first.
If you are already a fully paid up club member and have not yet signed up for access, click on 'Sign Up', (at the top) and fill in the form which appears; (add your e-mail and input your own password twice and click on Sign up).
Your application will be sent to the Webmaster for approval.
© 2015 - Boltonflatgreenbowlingclub