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Membership at Bolton FGBC?

There are six categories of membership

All Annual Memberships are from 1 April to 31 March of the following year.  Winter Membership is from 1 October to 31 March of the following year. 


1) Playing Member - £130.00p p.a.

This includes a £1.00p affiliation fee paid to Bowls Lancashire, and a £5.00p affiliation fee paid to Bowls England.  Playing Members can enter all Club, County and National Competitions and take part in Social Events. They have full voting rights at General Meetings, and are eligible for election to the Club Executive.


2) New Playing Member - £85.00p p.a.

(This category is only available to new bowlers in their first year of  membership.  Players who move from another club are subject to the full Playing Membership fee as above). This includes a £1.00p affiliation fee paid to Bowls Lancashire, and a £5.00p affiliation fee paid to Bowls England.  New Playing Members can enter all Club, County and National Competitions and take part in Social Events. They have full voting rights at General Meetings, and are eligible for election to the Club Executive.


3) Junior Member (1) - Free.

Annual membership open to players aged 19 years or under on 1 April of that year. The club will pay the £1.00p affiliation to Bowls England.  Junior Members can enter all Club, County and National Competitions and take part in Social Events. They are not eligible to vote at General Meetings or for election to Club Executive.


4) Junior Member (2) - £37.50p p.a.

Annual membership open to players aged between 19 and 25 years on 1 April of that year. This includes a £1.00p affiliation fee paid to Bowls England.  Junior Members can enter all Club, County and National Competitions and take part in Social Events. They are not eligible to vote at General Meetings or for election to Club Executive.


5) Social Member - £25.00p p.a.

Annual Membership to utilise Club Facilities.  Social Members cannot enter Club Competitions.  They are not eligible for election to the Club Executive.  They must pay a green fee if taking part in Social Bowling Events or Club Afternoon.


6) Winter Member - £65.00p p.a. 

Winter Members can play in all Winter Competitions, Social Bowling and Club Afternoon. They are not eligible to vote at General Meetings or be elected to the Club Executive.


N.B.  Existing members no longer need to complete a new membership form each year.  Simply pay the appropriate fee to renew your membership.


If you are a new applicant for club membership, or a returning Winter Member, click below to access the On-Line Membership Application Form.

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